Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Birthday girl

Woke up feeling crap with this cough that won’t go away. Bit of a lie in after a late night last night, took the dogs up Carlton hill for a walk after breakfast. There were loads of tourists up there who seemed to be starting their sightseeing tour with a walk up the hill. Its mums birthday today so we had booked Gordon Ramsey’s new place at St Andrews square. Meal was very nice and the food was excellent. Service at the beginning wasn’t great when they messed up the drinks order but they were very apologetic and didn’t charge us for the drinks as a result. J and her dad took the dogs out for a walk around the roads later as they were tired from doing 3 hours of guarding while mum and I did some more of the jigsaw, almost there. Spent the rest of the night watching a comedy.

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