Miserable Tuesday

Rain. Lots of it. all day. Windy as well.
We nipped out for a couple of grocery items - needed to get out in some way as going stir crazy.
I really wanted to go for a walk today as I am missing exercise but the weather was not right for walking.
Might go to the gym tomorrow as it's forecast to be another abysmal day.
We were hoping to go caching Wed or Thurs but it looks like caching will be on hold till next week.
The roads were quiet today - I wondered why till I remembered it was a Bank Holiday.
Today is my 7th day without the erratic (missed) heartbeats - since I stopped taking the Adcal D3 which I've been taking 2 of twice a day for a long time. I will cancel the cardiac consultation tomorrow as it's pointless now the problem has resolved. It seems that I must have had above normal blood levels. Could be nasty!

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