Hospital Lobby

On the 25th and 26th, Sue and I had some quiet time and made some ricotta-and-mozzarella-stuffed pasta shells. This is worth mention because though Sue likes baking, neither of us likes to cook; we usually just throw some random ingredients together in ten minutes, so this was a big change for us. We also brainstormed regarding a project for 2023. (More to come on that subject as it develops.) I photographed the tree Sue and Eliana painted and decorated as a way to avoid allergies and waste.

Today I came home in weird climate-catastrophe weather: the ice has melted, but we’re having a monsoon with hurricane-force winds and many trees and big branches down in the streets. I made a trip to the hospital on foot with a suitcase full of things my neighbor (with whom I waited in the ER for many hours on the 19th) needed from her apartment. Her badly-broken humerus will take at least 2 months to heal, and she can remain in hospital until there is a room for her in a nursing facility. Because of the broken arm, she couldn’t cook for herself, wash herself, or lie down to sleep. This exacerbated her dementia, and she had no idea how many pain pills she had taken. Over-dosing caused more confusion. At last her medication has been regulated, she’s being well-cared-for, and I’m relieved. I wish we had better services for elders, more like those in Belgium, so well documented by Lightchaser12. But I won't get started on the lack of human services in the USA. I'd never stop.

Photo is from the hospital lobby. Extra is Sue’s solution to the Christmas tree conundrum.

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