No Jays were harmed in the making of this image

I went to the bird feeder area to see if there was any activity for a possible blip on this bitter, cold, WINDY day. (Same weather as yesterday with the addition of the wind...) When I got there, I was mildly irritated amazed. I had filled the peanut feeder last night only to find it nearly empty today. (I decided that the squirrels must have figured it out...) Anyway, I settled on some chickadee shots at the seed feeder. With my eye to the viewfinder and concentrating on the chickadees, I was startled by a blue jay landing on the peanut feeder. He immediately began to ravage the few remaining peanuts. (Normally, the blue jays won't come near the feeders when I'm around, but this guy didn't seem to see me.) I trained the camera on him and tried to keep from chuckling. He was obsessed, and in his haste, even popped a peanut out and dropped it. Hence the dangling pose, as he was looking for this treasure. Clearly he had spotted me... but back to work he went. Success - he got another and off he flew. Maybe it's not the squirrels after all! If all of the birds go at this thing like this guy did, I can see how it would get drained in a day.

Take a closer look at the bat blue jay.

Thank you to everyone for helping me celebrate yesterday! It was a fun milestone to get to. Now for the next 100!

Happy Mother's Day Mom and to all of you who celebrate this day.

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