At last!

You do not know how many times MrRoly has tried to photograph this sign. It's almost turned into a ritual whenever we drive home - along with shouting "Hello Piskies!" - as we cross the border.

Awake briefly at 5.30 then properly just before 8 (thank you MrRoly xx). We all breakfasted before taking the dog and the children for a walk. We were on the road again by 11.30 to get to Yeovil for a big family party.

MrRoly is the youngest of 10 cousins. 8 were in attendance today along with 13 of their children, 4 of their grandchildren and a rather large selection of partners too. Overseeing us all were 2 of the 3 sisters who created this brood! It's been a lovely afternoon and we're all looking forwards to the next get together!

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