
By avilover


I was back birding at the lake this morning when this Pacific-Slope Flycatcher flew right down in front of me and patiently waited for me to take a picture of it. I love it when they do that. Which is practically never.

The Pac-Slope (as cool bird people refer to it) is one of two practically identical species that were once considered the same, under the name "Western Flycatcher." The other species, the Cordilleran Flycatcher, has a more easterly range (starting on the eastern side of California's Sierra Nevada mountains) and very subtle differences in voice.

These flycatchers' call is a high-pitched "su-WEEP," like one would whistle for a dog. I've been hearing it a lot lately and it makes me happy.

My first blip of the Pac-Slope is here.

Hutton's Vireo, another cool bird I found today.

And for all you ladies with babies out there, a pile of Pied-Billed Grebe progeny.

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