Birds on a Wire

We sheltered Anne and Harold again last night and spent a pleasant, if unexpected evening together. Pizza was procured so no cooking was necessary. A bonus was that it was looking like they would be able to get over the Siskiyu Pass and take the shorter route home. With luck there will be neither earthquake nor snow nor Covid to further impede their return journey….

If anybody is interested in a well written explanation of what happened to Southwest Airlines, annejohn provided  good link in the comments on my entry yesterday (12/27)
Matt and Julia decided to drive up and Claire elected to stay at home. Julia was motivated by a desire to visit a friend in San Francisco, so Matt will take her down on Friday, return here for the night and pick her up on Saturday and drive home. A lot of driving for Matt but a good solution for us.

They had an easy seven hour drive up today and arrived a couple of hours ago. Dana and Jim and the boys are coming for dinner which I should get on with preparing. Apologies for lack of comments  but I will have plenty of time to catch up soon (I hope).

The birds (most likely pigeons) are always lined up on the arm of the street light that extends over the street outside the Pilates studio. Class was really difficult today, partly because I decided to wear a mask, but mostly because I have been something of a sloth over the holidays and have done far more eating and drinking than exercising! I was able to take their picture while waiting for the light to change. I realized that the reason they are always there, on that particular light pole is that it is right outside the Wild Birds Unlimited store which puts out food for them.

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