
After breakfast the boys wanted to continue with the game of Monopoly we started last night. It soon became apparent that Thomas could not survive so for a while he thought he could be one team with James to bring me down. James managed that without help - he decided to put hotels on Park Lane and Mayfair, so I was done for. It’s the first time James has been able to concentrate for so long on a game so that’s progress. Thomas has yet to master losing gracefully.

I made us a sandwich and we set off in the car for Lordenshaws then headed off up Simonside in the teeth of a gale and squally showers. (Mr C said it was “a bit blustery”). James, in the blue coat, ran all the way. We all made it to the Christmas tree, now with some baubles blown off but the prayer flags were still held firm, being attached to large rocks. We decided it was too cold to stop for any sustenance so we set off back down and ate in the warmth of the car. James likes 2 slices of bread with torn up lettuce between - no mayo or anything else. Thomas had ham, Mr C tomato and lettuce (and mayo) and I had smoked salmon and soft cheese.

I’ve allowed them IPad time now before Mr C takes them home. My treat was a cup of coffee, a bit of Caribbean Christmas cake which is very moist and tasty, and a glass of port.

I’m sorry so many blip friends are suffering with coughs, colds, flu, Covid etc. There seems to be so many debilitating viruses around.

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