Oscar and Chris

I left home before 9 to get on the motorway and on my way down to Chris's. I hit a standstill at the Thelwall Viaduct as there had been an accident. I saw that a lane was shut so I moved over but so many cars didn't bother. We soon were able to move again then hit another queue between Stoke and the M1.  I do hate the lorries they will not slow down when they should. The sun was very low and shone on the wet roads so made driving difficult.
I arrived at Chris's and was greeted by a very excited Oscar. We had a lovely walk this afternoon in the sunshine. We had a cup of tea and teacake at the Waterloo cafe. Oscar was desperate to get his paws on Chris's teacake. We saw a rainbow but managed to avoid any rain. It was cold but so great to have a dry walk. Spotted a camouflaged fisherman whilst we were having our cup of tea in the extra.

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