

People have said Iringa is cool and I think people are right. And I am not referring only to the temperature, because with its highland elevation, Iringa is certainly fresher and damper than most places where I’ve spent time in Tanzania so far.

The guesthouse has simple rooms (I think with some missionary connection vibe as the gate is labelled Iringa Diocese) out the back of a bigger enterprise, shop, café and craft workshop which provide employment and outreach for deaf and disabled people.

This was the highly pleasant Christmas morning breakfast, on the terrace of the café. I then explored Iringa, which is very interesting as it is slowly spreading over an undulating rocky forested landscape sitting atop an escarpment.

The café was closed by the time I tried to get lunch there, so I scouted around semi-deserted Iringa and located two beef samosas from the glass cabinet in a hole-in-the-wall, washed down with a pineapple Fanta. Decent Christmas lunch, although I did miss having a Selection Box to devour for dessert.

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