The moon

Managed to get an appointment with the doctor this morning! My oxygen saturation was 99% and my lungs weren’t sounding bad so I was told antibiotics were not necessary as I have a viral cough which could last another three weeks!

I walked up to the Hoe and had coffee and cake overlooking the sound, a never ending changing scene with squally weather from time to time.

Then my godson texted and let me know they would meet me in the yard in about half an hour so it was a swift walk back then more coffee and chat with them!

Following that I went home and got stuff together to take to lydia and some fingerless gloves to send to a friend so a quick walk to the post office and then up to PJs to give Lydia a service sheet for A friends memorial service! Coincidentally her brother Owen was there so it was lovely to see him!

Walked back and went to wildwood for cappuccino and fries and to finish book one in the Seven Sisters series!

A good day with 17000 steps.

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