Take Refuge

We went to the refuge today. It was great to get out! We are so much better!!! But, man, were we wiped out when we got home! We know we need to move. It was hard to choose a primary blip but these gorgeous feathers won. This great blue heron preened and groomed himself ( or maybe he was doing yoga…:—). We watched him for 35-40 minutes and he didn’t mind at all! In the extra is a beautiful female belted kingfisher. I love these birds!! So hard to catch them still.
My cousin called to check on us. In talking, she said her husband had many of the same symptoms Johnny had, including delirium and fever, a couple of weeks ago but was covid negative. She now has severe dizziness/vertigo. We urged her to be checked. Sure enough. She is positive. We were not around them at all. It’s just surging in our state.
More cousins social distanced with us this afternoon and friends brought us steak for supper. We are very blessed.
Be blessed!

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