Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

The Birth of MJ

At 1630 today Baby MJ came into the world. Rapidly.

Long story short Acronymphomania and I went into the labour ward to be induced this morning. However on arriving we discovered the contractions I've been experiencing since losing my waters on Friday night pushed me to 4cm already. They put me on the drip after seeing if I progressed naturally (which, sadly, I didn't) which kicked into high gear at about 3pm when they said I'd gone to 5cm. Less than I'd hoped as it meant I still had hours and hours to go.

Until this point I'd been been labouring on gas and air with TENS. At around 420 we called in the doctor to discuss me having something stronger as I was struggling at this stage. Just at this point the midwife said she could actually see her head and with two short pushes, we welcomed MJ into the world. :)

Acronymphomania has a hilarious photo of me looking truly shocked as she was placed on my belly. I didn't believe the midwife when she told me to start pushing!!

So welcome to the world Baby MJ. You're going to love it. :)

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