New Year,

………………………new day, new set of loonies! Raising funds/awareness of the Doddie Weir foundation. One of the dippers is a relative so I hauled myself out of bed in time to see them dip but didn’t feel the need to join them!

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year and thank you for your continued friendship.

A quiet evening last night…at least until the fireworks started and a drunken son phoned! After Grease 2 I watched Bridget Jones then the Bodyguard…I switched off before Cocktail when I realised it was on until nearly 3am, though sleepless in Spittal ensued when I got to bed! 

Extra..I walked to the end of the prom before returning home for breakfast this morning. I’m now waiting for my daughter to put in an appearance, she’ll probably arrive just in time for her tea!

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