Return to the North

By Viking


What is family? I often ask myself this question. There is the mum, dad, 3 kids version,but in our case we would simply not be where we are today without my aunts and grandparents etc (they helped many times when we were kids to ensure some sort of parenting took place, long story). Then there are cousins, we may well have lost touch long ago if it wasn’t for my cousin’s wife who had embraced us as her sisters and aunties to her three kids) Then there is my cousin’s wife’s’ sister and her family, who feel like they have become our family too.
Then there is my best friend in Scotland who’s mum, dad and family embraced me as theirs when I was a very lost soon to be ex wife! They saved my life more than once with their love and support.
Then there is my friend in Nz and her partner who also saved me at my lowest point, I wouldn’t be where I am without them too.

Many of these aren’t related by blood at all but they are still family and I love every last one of them.

The shot is of my cousins three, their cousins too, trying to recreate a shot from 8 years ago

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