New Year … New You?

My New Year’s Day began very early with a 0200 voluntary night shift. Unsurprisingly there was much more traffic than usual at this time of the night. Cheltenham Race Course was a blaze of light too as preparations for the New Year Day’s race meeting went on through the night.

Later we walked 5 miles from the house before lunch. We saw very few other people out and about. But there was a tailback of race goers’ cars heading to Prestbury Park.

The local heritage railway was plying its mince pie specials before the line closes on Tuesday for its winter maintenance programme. The sight and sound of the steam loco and its 7 chocolate and cream coloured carriages is a wonderful time warp.

In three of the parks in our village there are outdoor gyms. None was being used today.
Perhaps this notice puts would be users off doing anything?

January is the month to join the gym apparently? New year …. new you and all that!

What’s wrong with the old you, I often ask myself!

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