Happy New Year From Tenerife

A lovely start to the year, sunny, blue skies and warm, about 27⁰c.  A lovely calm evening. 

A great night and back home by 3am.  Sadly the neighbours were still partying late, music finally stopped at 330am.  Birthday today, 42!  Great to have a summer birthday for a change, and spent the day at the pool relaxing.  Off our for a few birthday pints tonight.

A great night with Ruby and Ralph, they invited us back to their hotel for the evening and bring in the new year.  At the stroke of midnight, we ate our 12 grapes for good luck for the following year, a Spanish tradition.  The night started early with fireworks, as soon as midnight arrived, we had a solid 20 mins or so of fireworks lighting up the night sky.  I had planned to get a group photo, but we lost Ruby and Ralph in the crowd, just me and peerie Brian.  Taken from Iberostar Bouganville Hotel, Costa Adeje, Tenerife.  

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