New Year - New to Me Parks

First stop (unplanned) - Aurora Wetlands - 365 acres.  No one else there, so I only walked around for about 15 minutes.  I wore my high viz orange vest in case an bow hunters arrived since the sign said hunting season ends in late February.  Lots of water, ponds, streams, grasses, trees.  Signs warning about coyotes too.  This is one place the local Audubon Society visits.  I joined but have yet to participate in a single outing.

On to Liberty Park which has five entry points.  Today I went in to Pond Brook Conversation Area/Buttonbush, north of Route 82.  Dark and damp in the woods, I was walking the track at a good clip until I came to the slimy boardwalk where I nearly slid off a few times.  Saved by the poles.  Then crossed the road and east a bit is the other section with a shorter trail and observation deck over a lake.  It was closed with a "no parking" sign. 

Last stop:  CC for a short visit. 

Moss is a plant.  Lichen is a fungi.

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