Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

Panorama photos and new camera

On saturday I decided to buy a new "handbag" camera as my Canon Ixus gave up - wanted just a little one which I can have by my side every time. So its really hard to pick one - there are offers and offers and offers. Just when I thought I found a good one (a Fuji Finepix) one of the seller team asked me if I ever jused a Samsung Camera (I had one years ago and I was very happy with it) so told me about all the features and I was curious if it would work as good as the seller told me. Asked him if I could try this camera for a few days and he said okay - and I have to say I just love that liitle one. Its by far not as tiny as my Canon Ixus was but I simply love it.
Took it with my yesterday and today - when I walked the dogs I tried that panorama feature - I am really impressed - love love love it and won't bring it back

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