
By balthazar

Our Other National Drink

This, in case you haven't already guessed, is Irn Bru, Scotland's self-styled 'other' national drink (other than whisky, that is).

Fluorescent orange in colour with a sweetness that strips the enamel off your teeth, it's also the official hangover cure for millions. Apparently, 12 cans of the stuff are consumed every second (which is why Tesco's and every other supermarket stacks it floor to ceiling, as here). It's even pushed Coke into second place as the most popular fizzy drink in Scotland (the only place on the planet where this is the case).

The reason it's made the news today is that the last of the Barr family is stepping down from running the company that's made it for the past 108 years. Robin Barr is one of only two people in the world who knows the secret recipe for Irn Bru and the two never travel on the same plane.

Can't go the stuff myself...

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