
By wonderlust

Amnicon Falls Camping Day 3

Now and Then Falls. Just a trickle of a fall, but probably the prettiest of them all. Through my polarized sunglasses there were amazing colors that popped but in realty didn't exist. How sad, but I managed to bring them back out a bit.

The 3rd day was a beautiful day. We decided to go swimming. We normally do all our swimming in Lake Superior so we were surprised when we got in a found the river to be as warm as Lake Superior in August! I was sitting on a rock in the river discussing the local fish species when my dad pointed to me and said, "There's a musky right there." I thought he was just trying to scare me, but to my surprise I turned around and there was (roughly) a 3 foot musky swimming right past my legs. Bit of a scare. Musky are known to be aggressive and a bite from one would have sent me the hospital. Okay, so they are not great whites or barracudas, and, no, you wouldn't find many a story of musky attacks in periodical archives, but still it's not out of the question considering such close contact with them rarely ever happens.

No photos from day 4. It was an early morning packup and a drive home. Missed some opportunities for a good blip, but we can't exactly stop on the side of a freeway to take a picture - not safe!

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