
I bought myself a couple of pieces of special jewellery with some Christmas money.

I have this elephant bracelet and another featuring a penguin called Braveheart.

You buy a bracelet (I had a code for buy one get one free between Christmas & New Year) and with it comes a postcard with your featured animal and a QR code. When you register your bracelet(s) you can track your chosen animal as they have been chipped by relevant wildlife charities/research teams. In this case Save The Elephants and the Global Penguin Society.

I was very concerned at first, as though Braveheart had obviously been travelling very recently, but, Malawi hadn't been tracked for a few months. 

However, when I checked the app today, her movement date had moved since last week...turns out that some of the protected species are put on a tracker delay to the public (in this case 4 months) for poaching protection. The care and research teams have her live data of course :) 

I may get myself a turtle or a polar bear for my birthday in a couple of months! There are a few options on stones/colours too which makes them even more interesting.

If anyone's interested in this type of thing, the company coordinating these is called Fahlo

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