A Christmas present from a special friend. It has a Daisy on it and a lovely sentiment.

Needed a cuppa to start the new term back at work. All the staff were out on training this morning so I got a lot done. Tried to up date and alphabetise my folder…got to T!!!! (Only 6 letters to sort!!)
The new head has made a good impression so far…hopefully it’s a good judgment. I’ve dropped my week to from 3 to 2 days just in case it didn’t work (I can probably up them if it all works out ok).
Home to tutor…my pupil is on holiday in Portugal but has an entrance exam on Thursday so a final push.
Plans a foot for tomorrow’s surprise….had to pack picnic hamper with clothes and toiletries so The Rev thinks we are going on a picnic and not an overnight stay…ssshhh

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