street urchins

One of a child's primary operating instructions is to visit or hang out in strange locations as a means of expressing its individuality/bonding with similarly-positioned peers/establishing peer-dominance hierarchies/wanting to be LEAVE ME ALONEd but in my day suitable locations involved woods and trees, corners of fields, hills, deserted houses with holes in the floor and ceiling, barns, little-used paths and the undersides of bridges. Perhaps instead of smoking this pair have taken up inhaling traffic fumes as their chosen form of substance use, normal cigarette smoke perhaps not being particulate enough for them. Even with the reduced volumes of traffic passing them by due to the tramworks resulting in the little coned-off dead area in which they're sitting it must still be deeply unplesant, noisy, smelly and mildly dangerous seeing as cones are no protection against rampaging bus, lorry or taxi drivers. Still, each to their own.

An additional day of boss-absence meant another glorious day of self-prioritisation, though two hindrance-meetings had to be attended though a third was cancelled. Unfortunately some of the meeting involved attempting to drive the nails of understanding into the wood of incomprehension with the hammer of patiently explaining everything several times in several different ways in increasingly simple terms. I'll never understand the mindset which reacts to not understanding something by emitting random unrelated information, though it is perhaps similar to the technique used by cephalopods such as the cuttlefish whereby they eject a cloud of ink in an attempt to confuse predators, buying them time to siphon away; by creating a cloud of diversionary nonsense the spouter hopes to overload the information-gathering receptacles of the correspondent and make them forget what they were trying to say.

With the aid of a trip to Maplin at lunchtime (easier than attempting to find existing adaptors amongst boxes and cupboards) I had enough stuff to attempt a start to the Uke Project today, though didn't record anything. That will hopefully be done tomorrow though I've a day off on Friday which might be a better time to do any singing as everyone in any neighbouring flats should be at work.

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