Life through the lens...

By ValC

A New Year.

Filling in dates, including birthdays, holidays, ( and hospital appointments) Lots to look forward to in 2023, and I know we will be visiting some of the places pictured on our Yorkshire Calendar.

Another dismal day, but mild, and did have a few glimpses of the sun.
We have started taking down the Christmas decorations. Just the tree to tackle tomorrow so at the moment we have the lights on for the last time.

Sorry for the confusion with yesterday’s date.
I think, as someone suggested, the old camera had reverted back to it’s original date. I have now brought to up to date just in case I use it again.

I don’t know if any of you watched Silent Witness last night. Wish someone would explain to me what it was all about.
A bit too much like Line if Duty, but at least I understood that in the final episode.
Bring back the old type series. I don’t think I will watch it next week.

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