Wizz (bang!)

The new year started with a bang when, after having toasted it in at the bells, I stumbled at the foot of Mel’s stairs and hit my face on the banister. (Yes of course I was slightly drunk - we all were - but only to the clumsy rather than the staggering stage). Well, I hit my specs, or the right hand side of them - fortunately they didn’t break but my right eye socket took the brunt of the frame. I was helped by D and M into her spare bed where I slept the night. 

Crept back across the Links with spectacular black eye already forming; tried taking a pic of another tree creeper but couldn’t see to focus without specs. So was very pleased to find these CDs on the table when I got back - they had turned up yesterday, one five years old, one brand new. The latter has a version of the wonderful song I was telling Kendall about the other day - Touch Has a Memory

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