Wanderings and meanders

By A9J


Margarita Delacourte Memorial, Central Park, NYC

Long wander in Central Park in the morning. Didn't venture above 76th but took in lots of famous sights - from Alice to Bethesda Fountain, Bow Bridge and Strawberry Fields. Also enjoyed watching birds: blue jays, cardinals, white-throated sparrows, house sparrows and tufted titmouse - as well as some kind of woodpecker, geese and ducks.

Grabbed a bagel then wandered back down the Highline to the Whitney (it was closed yesterday). Visited the 'Edward Hopper's New York' exhibition - highlighting how the city influenced him and how he used the city in his artwork; as well as exploring his career from commercial illustrator to his compelling paintings. Also explored the permanent collection at the Whitney. 

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