
All the cats have decided that the surprise jelly Whiskas is their preferred choice. I haven't opened the other box yet - it has different flavours.

Nighttime Trail Camera.
Cats & Fox interactions
Cat on the swing, Jade, appears to be comfortable with very close interactions with the fox.


Creative is a painting with ZenBrush3.
I was playing with colours yesterday. The only thing with ZenBrush3 is that there are a limited amount of undo strokes, sometimes it is 3, sometimes is 5 undo strokes. With Procreate and other apps there are often many undo strokes. And I often use layers in these apps to experiment with the next stage of the painting.

But in ZenBrush3 there are no layers either. At the moment I am using a more English way/techniques of painting in ZenBrush3. I find it a lot easier to do traditional Chinese painting or Sumi-e in ZenBrush3.

Then in the morning, I might spend another hour finishing the painting depending on my thoughts and mood for the day.

I am experimenting my way at the moment, and seeing what transpires.

It was windy and rainy last night, and so I didn't put my recycle bags out last night, otherwise they would've scattered to the 4 winds. Just got them out now, the wagon can come just before 7am...

Time for a cuppa...

Have your best day you can!

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