West Wing finale

After many years, we finally came to the end of watching West Wing tonight. I first watched a bit with Paul and Mark back in 2012 as we were on holiday together and they’d started watching it. But Paul and I restarted it with Adam in 2018 and it’s taken us four and a half years to get through all 7 seasons. Quite a marathon! I can’t say I’ve loved it all the time - Aaron Sorkin’s style is a lot of fast complicated dialogue, always with the speaker on the move and some of the details of the political storylines went over my head, but I enjoyed getting to know the characters and their interactions, and understanding a bit more about American politics, we’ll Aaron Sorkin’s vision of American politics, anyway.

What’s next? What other great long running series should we try? We’ve done The Sopranos, maybe The Wire (with subtitles!)

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