
By Dollykgray

Austrian Stuff

Sternsinger (Star singers)
Tomorrow is a public holiday for Epiphany or Heilige Drei Könige (the 3 Holy kings). Households are visited by the Sternsinger, or Star Singers, between December 27 and January 6. Children dressed as Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, the names of the 3 Wise Men/ Kings/ Magi go from house to house singing carols and collecting donations which are allocated to Children's charities sponsernd by the Catholic church. A blessing is written in chalk above the door of the house (see extra) representing the year, the 3 crosses represent the trinity and the letters are thought to represent the names of the kings or the letters of the Latin phrase ‘Christus mansionem benedicat’ (Christ bless this house).
This is the first time I have been home when the Sternsinger have come; usually, we just see the inscription above the door to say they have been. Here are the 3 kings and the star bearer looking splendid in their colourful robes, I did ask permission from the accompanying adult to take their photo. They didn’t sing but each child had a piece to say but they had to wait as i had to run to get my iPad to show my sister and friends in Australia as i was chatting with them when the door bell rang. They were very patient with me as I explained where I was from and were eventually allowed to say their lines. No idea what they said as they were softly spoken and i was too busy looking at them in awe .

Further info, if interested.


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