
By AirVentures

It Never Rains

A couple of weeks ago I noticed this 'leak' stain on one of the ceilings. It was during the very bad weather. We are in a fairly new build so can survive without putting the heating on so long as we are wearing our layers. Unbeknownst to us however, the condensation build up in the loft was causing little streams of water and damaging the ceilings! Upon discovery the heating was promptly switched on and loft hatch kept off for a few days to dry it out. 

Today I finally got around to asking my dad how on earth we fix the runny loft. Another two jobs added to the long list, paint ceilings and sort out loft ventilation!

First day back at work today, cleared the emails, made a start on the work to-do list and most importantly of all I started to plan the year's holidays! Thank you King Charles for the extra day, I will put it to good use! Perhaps by painting the ceiling in the spare room!

I also managed to box up my wedding dress for storage..needless to say it will not be getting stored in the loft! 

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