
By tookie

Happy Mother's Day!

Here I am with my beloved son Martin on Mother's Day 2013. He took me for a short ride to Kelsey Creek part to "get me out in the fresh air"! He made me promise to get outside a bit more now too:) We had a lovely visit, he gave me some great massages , made some good food and played farkel with me many times. We watched the mariners games together a couple times too....very fun. It was sad to say goodbye, but so wonderful to have him here for this special day. I know Goose missed him and was happy to have him home. Thanks for letting me borrow him Goose!!! She will soon be a Mother too!!!

I'm doing leg pain is still a lot and at times I get very woozy and sleepy from pain meds and pain period. I am doing fine however and appreciate all the caring thoughts from time I will try to catch up a bit altho the comments may be somewhat shorter than usual:)

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