
Making the most of Dad before he goes away tomorrow.

We were teasing Betsy because her baggy shorts look like a skirt in this picture - she hasn't worn a skirt since she was about 2!

Did lots of sewing today. Was planning on doing some appliqué sewing but ages ago the shank on my sewing machine just fell right off, and disintegrated into about eight pieces. I never replaced it as I used my zipper foot instead. I can't do zigzag stitch without it though, so ordered one today. Made some other stuff instead, whilst watching Scott and Bailey as I've run out of West Wing.

Watched The Voice later with the children. I accept that I must be tone deaf but it seems to me that there are only about two of them that are even half good. Perhaps they were chosen because the judges just loved pressing that big button and making their chairs spin round! I know I would have!

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