The unsocial network

I really don't do things like Facebook, being a far more serious kind of person, I do a different one, and someone recently contacted me, 23 years after we worked together in Paris. I finally got round to contacting them, which was quite intriguing.

I somehow managed to avoid the majority of the hail storms today and the snow showers and the simple standard rain.

Was very happy when I also managed to fulfil a promise that was only three months old, now onto the 2.5 month old promises. I had taken a selection of photos at a wedding and I was extremely unhappy with them, well you know they could have been considerably worse, but the point was they could have also been considerably better.

Tonight another lifer on the to do list was kind of given a lifeline. Multiple videos from cameras were gathering virtual dust so we watched a few of them. Very humourous indeed.

The other entertaining detail today was #2's antics at the swimming pool. As everyone was busy getting out of the pool, as predictable as night follows day, numero dos was struggling to get out clearly hindered by a hoop which she had been diving to retrieve from the bottom of the pool.

Ok so you attempt to climb up and oh dear, it slips and falls down. Then you try again and miraculously the same thing happens again, annoyingly delaying you getting out. Then a different approach. From the side of the pool, you place the hoop onto the edge well out of harms reach but no, somehow your hand gets caught on it a and drags it poolward again. At this point, said daughter turns and sees me laughing out loud which admittedly is a bit weird in a swimming pool.

Tonight we even saw EcoDad during our dinner, except child #2 thought it was someone else.

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