Is This Silly or What?

Hubby and I had trouble sleeping again. Jamie texted last night with a photo of his thermometer. His temp was 102.5. He could not get an appointment at Urgent Care until 5:00 pm today. He moved to his basement, as far away from my mother as possible. If it is flu, we pray she does not catch it. After a lot of discussions, the decision was made to let her go back home. She felt she was well enough. I really did not accomplish much today. Hubby installed the tire pressure monitoring system on his SUV (a desired gift from yours truly). Hubby somehow qualifies for class action suit pay outs occasionally. The companies either overcharge or knowingly do something wrong so lawyers pounce. Here is his latest portion of a settlement. He immediately deposited it. I intentionally used gold coloring to highlight its great worth. Lol. It gave us a laugh in the midst of all the bad news. We are going to 5:00 pm Mass and try to find a thank you gift for Jamie and Renee. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and enjoy your weekend. “It's extremely important for people to be informed and to be educated and to know what's going in their community and in their country, but every now and then you just kind of want to turn the brain off for a little bit and just laugh and be silly.” - Brad Williams

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