
By mollyblobs

Thank you card

Today revolved around our first Peterborough Local group event of the year, a walk round Ring Haw to blow away the post-Christmas blues, followed by a very informal AGM in the field station, accompanied by mulled apple juice, mince pies and lebkuchen.

I'm clearly fighting off Alex's lurgy and was rather dreading it, but I set off in good time, fortified by a couple of paracetamol, knowing that once I had an audience the adrenaline would kick-in and keep me going. My early arrival gave me a chance to check a couple of parts of the rout, which were fortunately much less muddy than I'd feared.

Although it was quite a cool and overcast afternoon, we had a really excellent walk, mostly discussing the history and management of the reserve, though we spotted a few interesting plants including plenty of Stinking Hellebore almost coming into flower. The birds were rather more elusive. It was also good to see a few new faces, including a couple of younger women who seemed to have an ecological background. 

The informal AGM went very smoothly and I was very surprised to receive a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates at the end of it, to thank me for all I do - I really wasn't expecting it!! All the attendees had signed this beautiful card designed by one of the committee members . So lovely to feel appreciated...

Now definitely flagging! I suspect that it'll be an early night tonight!


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