Dirt Mynci

By dirtmonkey

from russia with love

In preparation for the house move, I spent the day clearing the garage.
Two full car loads to the recycling centre, and a load up to my folks house and it's pretty much done.
Did uncover a box of stuff that's been packed away and unopend for a few years now. A big bundle of old photos, a Super 8 cine camera and projector that I'd forgotten I had...and this little beauty. It belonged to my late Grandad. It dates back to the late 1950s. It still had a half used film in it! Which is nothing unusual apart from the fact my Grandad died 20 years ago and no one else has used the camera since.

Anyway, will be taking it in to get developed this week, and see if the film is still ok. Mixed emotions on discovering the film. Excited to see what's on it, but sad knowing they will be the very last picture he ever took. I'll definitely be getting some film to use in it, see how it still works.

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