
I was in town this morning for the Post Office, then a sauna and swim. The steam room hasn't been working since before Christmas - they are waiting for a part, apparently. I don't miss it too much as I prefer the sauna, and because you have to book in advance and there is a maximum of 6 spaces, it never gets crowded. I find it strange that although most of the daytime swimmers are women, nearly all the sauna users are men. Why is that?

I have been working up to having a cold shower after half an hour in the sauna, and it's getting easier. I'm pleased because I'm sure there are health benefits. While I was doing my housework this afternoon, I was listening to Rangan Chatterjee's latest podcast about the benefits of cold exposure (and saunas!) and it seems that you can get some benefits just by sleeping in a cold bedroom - must be why Luke sleeps so well as his windows are open even when the weather is Arctic :-)

Home on the bus and met one of my neighbours and our driveway won't be fixed at least until next weekend..never mind. I saw the clear up operation still going on along the Whitesands, where some small businesses have had to close for the foreseeable future. So we are the fortunate ones, really.

Photo is of my lovely hyacinths - so glad that I was organised enough to remember to plant the bulbs last year!

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