Wet, Cold, Dull

A windy day, some sunshine in the morning, but turned into a dull overcast afternoon with rain.  Drier tonight, cold though.

Slept well, finally got up and going.  A morning around the house, before heading down to see Laura.  Mam and dad were also there.  A big warm welcome from Olly, he was super excited to see me again.  Back to work in the shop this afternoon, it was busy.  Met friend Julie for walkies this evening.  Mostly a lazy night since.

After almost three weeks of warmth and sunshine, the reality of a Shetland winter was back today.  I was hoping to get out and enjoy the day, but really only viewed from a window.  A dull scene when driving back from Laura's.  Looking to the old post office and St Clair Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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