
By Tryfan46

As it says, Woolwich Arsenal Gatehouse

Up to Woolwich again this evening to meet with my brother who is down from Manchester way for one of his regular work visits to London.

As you may be aware, I worked in Greenwich for 11 years and so regard Woolwich as part of my "Manor". The Arsenal here has undergone a real transformation in recent years with most of the old buildings converted into appartments and office blocks and new building added. A great musuem called "Firepower" as well as Greenwich Heritage Centre is also located on the Arsenal site.

"Firepower" is the Museum of the Royal Artillery - the regiment my father was in during the second world war. He was a gun layer on the Bofors gun and it was a great occasion when we took him around the museum some years ago.

Anyway, the gatehouse was the way into the Arsenal when it was producing all that ammunition, when the facories and warehouses were closed the Gatehouse was saved and restored and now takes pride of place at the head of Beresford Square and is used for meetings and presentations.

The Gatehouse is severed from the main Arsenal site now by a dual carriageway and so sits in splendid isolation from the rest of the buildings.

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