The second half of life..

By twigs

Heart of the hydrangea

A busy day - car booked in for service this morning but required for over 3 hours so I took the opportunity to do a few things in town.  Kiwi ladies will understand my Bendon buys, on to Briscoes for a cosy memory foam neck-pillow to help make my flight more bearable, one or two other places for a look-see, my favourite café for lunch, a gallery where an ex-student has a photography exhibition and back for my car at 2.30.  Arrived home exhausted.  I park my car on the driveway alongside these hydrangeas which looked so beautiful again today, though they're beginning to show signs of weathering.  Speaking of weather - the North Island is being buffeted by Cyclone Hale this evening and the pounding is expected to continue throughout tomorrow too. Stay safe everyone. 

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