Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

V for Valley in Rivacre Valley. I used to come here a lot to play in the summer holidays. It is still a wonderful place to walk or cycle through. Though it is a little over grown with trees & bushes now and is barely recognisable from my childhood days.

As the sun was shining, I popped down here shortly after I dropped my son off at Cubs, who coincidently got Vested tonight! And I bumped into a fellow walker who asked me what it was I was looking for (I did have my camera bag with me plus tripod). "Bluebells" came my reply. He then guided me to some Blubell hotspots within the valley and went onto saying that Rivacre Valley used to be called "Bluebell Valley". He also spoke about how it used to look before I was even born which was quite interesting.

The reason for this mini trip was that I was inspired by Annie & Chris's Bluebell blip on Saturday. So out came my Infrared flter, tripod & Pentax. Despite the sunny rays, it was also a tad windy so I couldn't get any of the bluebells "to stay still" in any of my 30s exposure shots. But Still I managed to get some good shots of the valley itself.

Must get back to Bluebell Valley soon before the bluebells disappear for another year.....

Had a photography club meet tonight, which was nice.

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