
By meccanica


It has been a while since I've ventured into blip. I'm feeling a bit adrift, have had to rethink some of my long held perceptions of who I am and that has required letting go of some of my anchors. Mostly this is good, has been simple enough, although it is taking time.

One perception change arrived as a new label: I now have Coeliac Disease, but of course that means that I have had it some time, it's just that now I have a name for it and a way of changing things. The treatment is simple in a sense, gluten free for the rest of my life. The only thing I am missing so far is decent bread: warm ciabatta loaf, freshly toasted Vogel's, soft cheesy bread rolls at lunch. Apart from that it has been so far simple. Grocery shopping takes longer, lots of labels to scrutinise for hidden gluten.

I'm glad to be living on a cluster of islands where we don't produce more wheat than we need - there doesn't seem to be much used as filler in foods compared to North America.

Things will begin to focus again soon. Only a matter of months before we put the house on the market, Lizi becomes a doctor and we leave Dunedin and some great friends behind to begin another great chapter.

Months sounds like a long time, except when you are privy to the list-of-things-that-must-be-complete.

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