Where does it all come from?

Our wee stream grew into a raging torrent over a few hours today and yet by late evening it had settled to a burbling burn; the excitement and joy of living on a hillside on an island off wet west coast Scotland!
We also had the joy of a visit to the Community Library in the morning. As well as having a great selection of books, it is a social event with lots of chat accompanied by tea/coffee and delicious home baking. This is all provided by a small group of volunteers twice a month.
In the afternoon there was more (unwanted) excitement when our lights went out. I thought it was a power cut until I saw that the cooker and the radio lights were still on. I went to check the fuse box and found that one of the trip switches had “tripped”. I thought that was a bit strange, tried to switch on the switch and, hey presto, we had lights! BUT ten minutes later the same thing happened again so I went to report the incident to N who was busy out in his shed. We decided that we should seek advice from our lovely electrician but before we could do so the lights went out for a third time. To cut a long story short, our electrician is snowed under with work but has arranged for another electrician to come first thing tomorrow morning. We suspect it may be mice having a nibble at things they shouldn’t be nibbling but the source of the problem may well be difficult to find as it isn’t a consistent occurrence.

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