Origami Kayak

I went and did it! I have been considering buying a folding kayak and have researched these and inflatable kayaks. I have a couple friends who own a couple Oru Kayaks and they love theirs. So I had to save my pennies for quite a while because they aren't cheap.
I enjoy kayaking but I'm not strong enough to lift my kayak up onto my car to carry it places. The one I'm selling is about 50 to 60 pounds. This Inlet weighs 20 pounds and folds up so I can put it in my car not on the car. Also, my partner Dan doesn't enjoy kayaking and the only way I can go now is with his help. But now I can go on my own!
As you look at that, that is the outside of the kayak just sitting there on the kitchen table. I don't have time until the weekend to unfold it but I imagine it will take some practice to have it flow easily but it should only take about 5 minutes to assemble.
I also got some extras like a pack to put it in if I want to walk a little distance to a lake. I will blip more this weekend as I actually unfold it. I'm so excited. Now I just have to wait for the weather to warm up!

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