A last flurry

The usual Wednesday morning of going to collect someone's post and then the ES coffee. Got a message part way through the morning asking if we'd collect Nate's friend from the school as his mom had an emergency to deal with. The boys (phone pic extra) were utterly delighted at the unexpected time together. We took a picnic to the end of Bossa beach and they played with Nate's rocket game for aaaages - jumping on it and blasting it high into the air. The benefit of a deserted beach is you can play games like that!
Home and Rocco delivered back to his Mom. I came out to see the sunset and I'm glad I did! Then back for dinner and a team meeting with Stephen. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Fascinating and fantastic conversation with people this morning.
2) Nate's delight at a playdate with his friend.
3) Time to enjoy sunset on my own. 

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