
Up early for Aquafit which was fun and having the new swimming shoes was good…glad I bought them. Home and several phone calls about P as I was getting changed and doing some follow up emails from yesterday, then down to the cafe at national gallery for a meeting with C and J. Interesting wide ranging chat and lots of plans for events and campaigns. Back home and did some prep work for the next couple of days, got my calendar up to date and various other bits and pieces til it was time to go the GPs. All the various tests I’ve been having haven’t thrown up strong evidence of any problem but the symptoms remain of difficulty getting my breath when I walk up hills and steps so I’ve now got an inhaler to try for a few months.
Chatted to A on her way home and T who’d been to see P, then watched last set of Comoran Strike programmes. I’ve enjoyed them more than I expected

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