Rhwng y cawodydd

Rhwng y cawodydd ~ Between the showers

“We don’t wish the day away. We embrace every second. Every new sunrise brings the possibility of possibilities.”
― Mandy Baggot

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Roedd y tywydd yn sych y bore 'ma, felly es i allan i redeg fy nghylched 5k. Roedd i'n eithaf lwcus - ar ôl i fi cyrraedd adre, dechreuodd y glaw ac roedd hi'n parhau trwy'r dydd. Rydw i'n hoffi rhedeg yn y nos, mae'n dawel, ac, fel arfer, dim ceir ar y ffordd a does neb ar y strydoedd. Dechreuodd e o angenrheidrwydd - os roeddwn i'n mynd i ffeindio'r amser mynd i redeg cyn mynd i'r gwaith, ond wedyn gwnes i ddarganfod fy mod i'n ei hoffi. Mae'r tywyllwch, tawelwch ac unigedd - yn fyd arall.

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The weather was dry this morning, so I went out to run my 5k circuit. I was quite lucky - after I got home, it started to rain and it continued all day. I like to run at night, it's quiet, and, usually, no cars on the road and nobody on the streets. It started out of necessity - if I was going to find the time to go for a run before going to work - but then I discovered that I liked it. The darkness, silence and solitude - is another world.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gorsaf reilffordd Llandaf gyda'r nos
Description (English): Llandaff railway station at night

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