Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


I actually took the photo yesterday when I was eating my lunch in the mountains. I thought it was too nice not to share and have on my blip record so here it is today. I played tennis in the sunshine this morning which was good fun and then in the afternoon made bread and butternut squash soup. Surprisingly, my sourdough starter had not bubbled up overnight and was extremely feeble.
I have had to use yeast for today’s bake and will have to nurture the starter back into good health during the next few days. A good friend whose husband has an inoperable brain tumour is very unhappy with the hospital treatment he is getting in the UK. They are French residents and are wondering if they can get him back over to France. I said I would follow some leads and see if it is at all possible but it is a big ask given his deteriorating condition.

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