
By brambleblossom

Fire fighter , fire lighter .

One of Arthur’s favourite games is to be fireman Sam , he has spent hours responding to emergency calls , unraveling hoses , fixing his little sit on fire engine . Today he wanted to light a fire . He took his little wheelbarrow, with grandpa’s help , across to the pen to collect the wood and then helped to set the fire .
Part of the ritual is to shred paper and then place that in the stove beneath a raft of kindling .
The photo is of Dave encouraging a reluctant Arthur to feed paper into the shredder . He was nervous and Dave did a really lovely job of encouraging him to have a go . It was a joy to watch them working together to build and then light the fire .
They light fires at his Forest school nursery so he understood the importance of having safety rules .
It’s been a day full of golden moments.

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